How to get “it” all done and avoid burnout

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Ever heard the saying “If you want something done, ask a busy person”? We never really got that until recently.

We’ve been fortunate enough to be “busy” in business and eternally grateful to remain busy as this business was our one way ticket out of our previous, less than desirable, corporate job.

Over the last few months something has become very apparent and that is if we don’t focus on a plan or system to get through our workload we’d be heading for complete burnout.

In fact, been-there-got-the-t-shirt. If only burnout wasn’t worn as some kind of badge of honour. Burnout will take a toll on your body and your mind as well as your business so best try to avoid it at all costs.

So how do you “carry” that workload and still get it all done without burning yourself out.

It’s important to remember that your productivity from day to day will look different so don’t beat yourself up. Your best today will look different tomorrow. You are human!

Top tips to getting “it” all done

Time Block

We really can’t stress this one enough! Yes, even spending time with family and friends (if you need to). Time blocking will give you a picture of how much time you should be spending on certain tasks. For us, as VA’s this is very important as each of our clients have purchased hours from us for the month. Therefore this is a great way to know how much time per day you should be dedicating to certain tasks. Also, let it be known that what doesn’t get time blocked doesn’t get done.

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

Be selfish with your time (if you have to). Set healthy boundaries and say “no” to things you really don’t have the time for. You are deciding what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it. If something isn’t working for you, make a different choice and see what happens.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

Ever found yourself doing more than one thing at once? (we have to giggle because we do this too) only to realise that you’ve just made a mistake and you’re no closer to completion than you were when you started. Work from your time block breakdown and focus on one thing at a time. This will avoid mistakes from happening and instead of having multiple things on the go you can focus and complete as you go!

There will be Distractions

Understand that distractions happen. You may need to take a few calls throughout your day or respond to emails. Something may crop up that you couldn’t have planned for. Allow time in your day to attend to these distractions but again, focus on one thing at a time.

Accept that Your Work is Never Done

There will always be another Whatsapp message or email inbox message to attend to. There will always be more to do tomorrow. What and how much you choose to take on is all up to you of course. Refer back to your time block breakdown so that you remain on track or press ahead into the next day if you so choose.

Need some support so you can focus on growing your business? We’d love to chat! Pop us a message here and we’ll setup a call.


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