How a VA can help you grow your business

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The world as we know it has certainly changed. Business as we know it has certainly changed. The only constant has been change.

These shifts have proved that support is vital in any business.

Let’s try to get a better understanding of where you’re currently at? Perhaps you’re a start-up business or you’ve been running for some time but you feel like you’re constantly juggling the “every day” tasks instead of focusing on growing your business. The work seems to be flowing in relatively quickly but you are struggling to get it out. You might be ready to take the next step. Time to scale up and increase your productivity.

As virtual assistants our number one priority is to support our clients. We come in different shapes and sizes with a host of skills that span across many aspects of running a successful business such as, data entry, graphic design, marketing, website design, accounting and customer support to mention a few.

How can a VA help you grow your business?


VA’s are relatively cheap in comparison to hiring an employee and can save on operational costs. You don’t need to set them up with a desk, computer and cell phone as they make use of their own fully equipped offices. This may mean that you can continue running your business from home and not have to rent out office space or rent out a smaller office space. There is no UIF, PAYE and leave rosters to manage. You can redirect these savings to other parts of your business such as marketing or upgrading equipment.


When you’re knocked off your feet in terms of work flowing in and you’re struggling to keep up with the demand, scaling your business is the next logical step. Let’s face it, customers today want everything yesterday so the demand can be difficult to deal with. Onboarding a virtual assistant lets you increase your production capacity without compromising on service delivery. What's even better is that most work remotely and in different time zones so you can have your business running 24 hours a day!

No Training Required

Aside from tasks that might require specific education, virtual assistants are skilled professionals. Most are already experienced when it comes to common tasks and this is something you can look for when hiring. They know what tools to use and how to set up a system that is workable for all.


As a busy entrepreneur the last thing you have time for is setting up systems and staying organised (although it’s always the intention). Leave this to your VA, it’s what they do best! A virtual assistant can help you set up standard operating procedures that will allow your business to tick and thrive.

There really are loads of possibilities! If used correctly a VA can really be one of your greatest assets in growing your business. You don’t need to “do it all” to be successful and you definitely don’t need to pay an arm and a leg!

Need some support so you can focus on growing your business? We’d love to chat! Pop us a message here and we’ll setup a call.


How to get “it” all done and avoid burnout